February 2010 Goals

That right there is my crummy iPhone photo-out-the-window representation of the month of February, though admittedly it was taken on January 28th.  But, in the interest of preparation (because I’m going to be busy shooting a fabulous wedding on the 1st), I thought I would take care of writing my goals for February a few days early!

So, I think what I’ll do is just write a list of goals and then recap how things went as of the first of the following month.  Without further delay, in February I will:

  • Drink one of my big ol’ 64 oz. jugs of water every day
  • Privately journal once a week (I miss writing)
  • Make fitness of equal importance to diet by going to the gym four times a week
  • Buy fabric and make awesome new pillows for our living room
  • Attempt to make potato bread (if I get my new KitchenAid Mixer, that is!)
  • Write my best friend a letter
  • Finish and order studio album one of three
  • Create the print display I’ve got stuck in my head
  • Clean out and reorganize the office (which involves getting rid of a really big, really heavy file cabinet)
  • Make my parents’ anniversary gift
  • Imbibe a fancy, fruity drink on a tropical beach (A gal can dream, can’t she?)

February is a short month, so this is stuffing it to the gills!  See you on March (MARCH!!?!) 1st!

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