MEF Photography Blog! bio picture
  • Hello, friend! :D

    Welcome, welcome! That's me over there. < -- I'm Molly, a San Francisco Bay Area-based photographer. I adore weddings, families and portraits, but my cat, food and house get a lot of my attention, too! I'm married to my very best friend, and we sing to each other a lot. I'm a mid-century modern home dweller. I'm always working, working, working to be better at life (a never-ending battle!). I get a kick out of simplicity, tea, bright colors, ice cream, cooking, sarcasm and books -- among other things. I love me some good, authentic, giggly love. And I love making people feel lovely in the midst of their good, authentic, giggly love. And if that's your thing, too, I'd love nothing more than to give you some good, authentic, giggly love photos. :)


Personal: Makings of a Good Weekend

I don’t have anything in particular to say except that it’s funny how homeownership changes your perspective as to what constitutes a good weekend.

We’ve spent the last three days knee-deep in dirt, pulling out what felt like a metric ton of overgrown plants.  Our good friend Christy helped as we fought for an hour and a half with a monster azalea that took serious issue with its eviction.  We eventually won (though our backs might disagree!).  Our new washer and dryer were delivered.  We fixed a leak in our water heater and removed our dishwasher.  Glen rerouted the plumbing and began furring out the new walls in our laundry room, with lots of help from my dad.  My mom and I washed our walls (I didn’t even know this was a thing) and patched holes, then decided on a whim to paint our hallway the brightest white we could find.  We cleaned out EVERYTHING in preparation for our new floors, which will be installed tomorrow (!!!).  We slept for the first time in our master bedroom (albeit on an air mattress).  We ate a lot of bad food.

And every so often we stole into the atrium to relax with Sherman, who is pictured above lounging in the only plants we haven’t ripped out (he loves them too much — I just couldn’t do that to him).

We didn’t want to go back to work today.  Not because we wanted more time to relax, but because we wanted to keep working working working on the house.  On our house. :)

I don’t know what we otherwise would have done this weekend if we didn’t have a home to work on, but I don’t think it would have beat any of that.

Good weekend. :)

September 2011 Goals

I know, I know.  I skipped August goals — but friends, this is why.  Say hello to the house we just bought.  I’m going to put the punctuation for this sentence in a separate paragraph:


We bought a house!  And not just any house, but MY DREAM HOUSE.  The type of house I have wanted for as long as I can remember.  The type of house I assumed I would never own.  An Eichler.

It needs a TON of work, as it was essentially abandoned for the last three years (which coincidentally has helped me make great strides in my fight against arachnophobia — eew).  The first time we saw it, it was like walking into a mint condition 1965 time capsule, and I am really not exaggerating in any way, shape or form when I say that.  From the carpet, to the fixtures and furniture, EVERYTHING was from the mid-1960s.  Mad Men could have set up cameras and filmed there with no extra work.  But in more of a gross way than a neat way.  Seriously.

So far we’ve ripped out the 50-year-old carpet (all FIVE different types), the asbestos tile and mastic underneath, the built-ins in the laundry room that looked like my Nana’s 1957 kitchen, the built-ins in the “library,” and a LOT of overgrown plants.  Next week we’ll be getting our new washer and dryer, a new floor and painting.  And hopefully the week after that, we’ll be MOVING.

Did I mention we have a pool?  And an atrium?  And that I am one seriously happy camper?

Life is good. :)

September Goals (July holdovers in italics):

  • Get our new floor
  • Paint the interior of the house (it hasn’t been painted since 1963 — the white walls are no longer white)
  • Landscape our atrium
  • MOVE
  • Set up the new office / studio
  • Pick up my wedding dress :)
  • Book our honeymoonlet (the real thing — three weeks in China + Tibet — has been pushed to 2012)
  • Finish all the major planning and prep for our wedding
  • Meet a new photography friend for coffee
  • Repaint our coffee table — Turns out old paint is kind of gross.  Must get new paint!
  • Shoot a little film — Gotta hunt out a new battery

Completed July Goals:

  • Meet my goddaughter — Obviously, this is SO taken care of
  • Photograph the heck out of that new baby
  • Spend some time with my Connecticut family
  • Play with my niece until she tires of me (this isn’t actually possible)
  • Take some photos of some lovely Connecticut pals
  • Finish up that enormous secret from last month, which, if everything goes according to plan, I should be able to talk about at the start of August (This is the one I wasn’t allowed to be excited about.  I’M EXCITED NOW.)
  • Celebrate my mother and father’s birthdays
  • Design my wedding invitations

Katherine + Tim | Aqua Turf Wedding

Oh, Katherine + Tim.  What can I even say about these two?  I mean, besides, “I totally love them.”  Dearest blog readers, you’ve not met these two before, because I’ve not ever posted their engagement photos (but I will!), so let me give some back story.

Katherine is in medical school with the goal of becoming a pediatrician — so can you say kind, patient and caring?  But the greatest thing is that I’d use all three of those words to describe Tim, too.  Being around them is like a breath of fresh air; their calmness suffuses each situation in which they find themselves.  They spend almost every minute together laughing (love it).  And given the insane year they’ve had (chock full of every type of mental, emotional and physical hurdle and bit of bad news you could imagine), their positivity is all the more impressive.

But I truly believe the universe takes notice of stuff like that and evens the score when the time time is right.  And my suspicions were confirmed when Tim + Katherine’s ENTIRE wedding day went off perfectly.  Not only was everything on time, but NOTHING went wrong — not one single thing.  And I can’t tell you how much it filled my heart with joy for the two of them, because they deserved nothing less.

On with the show!

How gorgeous was Katherine’s veil (not to mention the bride herself!)?  And their church was pretty danged fancy, too — I just love the photo of the organist.  But the best part?  The “Holy crumbs, we’re married!” photo down at the bottom.  Ugh, love it.

Their reception was at Aqua Turf (chosen after their first venue went out of business and cancelled all pending weddings — yikes!).  It’s a lovely place, but a little too manicured for my tastes, so I wandered the property until I found this hidden, overgrown corner (below) for bridal party photos.  One of the attendants from the venue who was checking up on us said it was only the 2nd time she’d ever seen a photographer use that area — THAT’S WHAT I LIKE TO HEAR! :D

The way Tim looks at Katherine?  Let’s just say I wish I had a hundred extra thumbs so I could put them all up!  Um, and hello to Katherine’s eye color? RIGHT!?  Were I a poet, I might have to describe them as, “limpid pools.”  It’s a good thing I’m not a poet. :)

My absolute favorite photo from the whole day is the last one on the left.  It’s perfectly “them.”

Katherine + Tim: Thank you so much for inviting me into your lives.  I could not have asked for a better way to end my run in Connecticut, and I miss you both already.  Keep that good luck streak going, k? :)

Baby Liza | Orange, CT

You know when you meet genuinely good people, and they’re so easy to be around and talk to that you just get a sense of comfort from being in their presence?  That’s Lacy + Gene.

Way back when I moved to Connecticut and started my business full-time, Lacy + Gene were my very first PAID engagement session.  I think I drove a total of an hour and a half, gave them a number of prints and charged then a whopping $75.  Hey, we all have to start somewhere, right?

My editing style has changed quite a bit since then, but I still love these pictures.  I had to dig way back in the archives for these!

The thing I remember most is how unbelievably nervous I was — these people were trusting me WITH SEVENTY-FIVE DOLLARS.  But Lacy + Gene were so easy-going, so laid back, so much FUN to be around that I was instantly put at ease.  Lacy also became my greatest client-champion to date, passing my name around to everyone she knew.  She was one of the strongest forces in helping establish me in Connecticut, a feat for which I will be forever grateful.  Before I moved, I told her that I needed to find a Californian Lacy — so far, no luck.  She cannot be duplicated. :)

When I saw Lacy + Gene again last week, we picked up as if no time had passed.  But of course much had changed since last we laid eyes on each other: they got married, they’ve created an absolutely gorgeous home together, AND THEY HAD A BABY!  And that little gal is why I stopped by, for a quick and casual session out on the lawn.

So! Meet sweet, 3-month-old baby Liza, one of the calmest, happiest babies I’ve ever had the pleasure to photograph — not a surprise, with parents like hers!  You can’t miss her eyelashes! (My favorite photo is last.)

Lacy + Gene, it was so wonderful to see you, meet Liza and spend an afternoon chatting in the sun.  Our door is always open if you ever plan a visit to San Francisco! :)

July 2011 Goals

I’ll get to her in just a second. :)

So I’m in Connecticut.  I’ve been here for about a week and a half now in total, but for the last three days I’ve been staying at my (soon-to-be) brother- and sister-in-laws’ home.  And for the last three days my future brother-in-law has been giving me nothing but grief about being late with my July goals.  Every day it’s, “Posted those goals yet?”  Or, “July up?”  Or, “What am I going to read at work tomorrow?!”  As if I haven’t been busy with the birth of my goddaughter.  As if I haven’t been busy playing with HIS KIDS — yeah, Keith, I said it: I’m entertaining YOUR KIDS INSTEAD OF BLOGGING.  As if. ;)

Speaking of his kids, I’m pretty sure my niece has a crush on me.  Yesterday, while we were playing outside on her swing set and she was showing me the rooms of her “house” (a.k.a. the jungle gym / climbing / slide portion), she told me she had three (imaginary) babies.  Their names?  Molly, Olly and Ly (“Leigh”).  She has also renamed one of her dolls after me.  I feel important. :)

And speaking of dolls, let me introduce to you the most perfect, beautiful baby I have ever set my eyes upon: my goddaughter.

This is Eliana.  She was born on July 2nd at 4:34 in the afternoon, she looks like her dad but has her mom’s lips, and never have I ever loved a baby more.  Plus, her mom is a phenomenal woman who makes me feel lucky to know her, and blessed to call her my best friend.  Life is good. :)

July Goals (June holdovers in italics):

  • Meet my goddaughter — Obviously, this is SO taken care of
  • Photograph the heck out of that new baby
  • Spend some time with my Connecticut family
  • Play with my niece until she tires of me (this isn’t actually possible)
  • Take some photos of some lovely Connecticut pals
  • Finish up that enormous secret from last month, which, if everything goes according to plan, I should be able to talk about at the start of August (This is the one I wasn’t allowed to be excited about.  I’M EXCITED NOW.)
  • Celebrate my mother and father’s birthdays
  • Design my wedding invitations
  • Meet a new photography friend for coffee
  • Repaint our coffee table — Turns out old paint is kind of gross.  Must get new paint!
  • Shoot a little film — Gotta hunt out a new battery

Completed June Goals:

  • Meet with my personal trainer twice a week
  • Kick my own rear two to three other times per week
  • Find a model for a personal project
  • Visit Connecticut
  • Buy that sweet new baby some presents
  • Contest a dumb parking ticket
  • ANOTHER SECRET! — This is a surprise for someone, actually, which is why I can’t share ;)
  • Hopefully unveil the rest of our styled shoot — check it out!
  • Blog twice this month — I am intensely proud of having accomplished this one