Christa Doran of TUFF GIRL Fitness | Hamden, CT | Portraits

So, I understand the irony of making this post directly after writing up and photographically documenting a cupcake recipe.  But what’s even worse (and you’ll fully appreciate this in just a few seconds) is the fact that I AM EATING ONE OF THOSE VERY CUPCAKES WHILE WRITING THIS ENTRY.  If it makes you (me) feel better, I’m going for a run today.  And the next day.  And the next day. :)

Every so often I meet a client for the first time with whom I just click.  And the fact that I just mistyped “click” as “cluck” is oddly accurate, because that’s pretty much what Christa and I did from the minute I got to her house last week.  As soon as I walked in the door, we got to talking — easy, comfortable conversation that didn’t end until I finally forced myself out that same door two and a half hours later.

Christa is, in a word, a Supermom.  I met her to take some new photos for her fitness website — — that she’s relaunching soon.  See, Christa is a personal trainer who directs some pretty sweattacular bootcamps at East Rock Park in New Haven SIX days a week.  She is in amazing shape.  Like, UH-MAZING shape.  Like, I-feel-shame-for-eating-this-cupcake-while-looking-at-her-abs shape.

I’ll let the pictures do her dedication justice.  But the last thing I want to say is: She had a baby only FIFTEEN months ago.  Like I said: UH-MAZING!

Christa!  I hope you love these and I can’t wait to see your new-and-improved website!  And I can’t wait for you to kill me at bootcamp!  … right after I finish this cupcake. :)

Hello.  Sunshine and Christa are both beautiful:

Do you see what I’m talking about?

Does this honestly look like a stomach that had a baby inside it 15 months ago?

I realize that it’s slightly ridiculous to put a picture of a bum on my blog, but come on!  This bum deserves its day in the sun!  By the way, I find it pertinent to mention that we were in Christa’s 80-year-old neighbor’s backyard for these photos (it had better light).  I don’t think we gave him a heart attack. ;)

People, she is strong.  I kept her in varying forms of this plank position for a good three minutes.  I think I could maybe handle about 30 seconds, myself.

Are you kidding me with the one on the right!?

This jungle rope hexagon of death thingy was near where we were shooting.  I like it.  And yes, I was crawling all up in it with my camera.

Christa requested a couple of “no-face” shots for her site to represent that her bootcamps and training are for the “everywoman.”  I like how the next few turned out.

It is at this point in the blog post that I feel bad about having eaten that cupcake. :)  I believe some sort of “gun show” comment is in order.

You’ll be seeing Christa and many of her momma friends on the blog again soon!  We’re hosting a family photo party at the end of May with a dozen or so groups.  And since Christa’s daughter, Livia, is downright precious, I can’t wait!  Now.. about that run. :)

May 6, 2010 - 11:53 am

Lacy Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!

May 6, 2010 - 1:28 pm

Christa Molly~
You are a joy to work with. You capture people in a beautiful way and represent them perfectly. I am so glad we met and I had the chance to work with you. You are talented beyond your years.

Thank You SO much…. looking forward to our next shoot already!

Many Thanks,
Christa “TUFF GIRL” Doran :)

May 6, 2010 - 7:54 pm

Debbie These are fantastic pictures!!

May 8, 2010 - 7:55 am

Juicy These pics are amazing!

May 20, 2010 - 6:53 pm

damon These incredible pics made the website work wonders. well done, great photos to work with.

May 20, 2010 - 8:35 pm

Molly Thanks so much, Damon! You gave them a great platform from which to shine! :)

June 23, 2010 - 4:56 pm

Baby Livia | New Haven, CT | Family » MEF Photography Blog! […] — our last Photo Party babe — was about a month before I photographed her, when I took pictures of her momma, Christa, for Christa’s new fitness website.  At our first rendezvous, Livia was a total ham, all […]

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