Adam + Alyssa | Married

A wedding amid the redwoods at a Buddhist retreat in the Santa Cruz mountains. People, I can’t write scenarios this perfect. And in an unusual turn of events, for once I don’t have words to describe  Alyssa + Adam’s wedding—so you know it was a good one. A beautiful setting, a head-over-heels couple, wonderful friends and family. So this time we’ll skip my usual platitudes and get right to letting the photos speak for themselves, okay? Okay! :D

I’m pretty sure this is exactly what you get when you ask for a princess dress. ;)

Favorite #1. Alyssa looks so much like her momma (who is also in crazy good shape!). :)

Alyssa specifically requested some handsome shots of Adam. I am happy to comply. :D

I don’t normally post bridal party shots, but these guys were great—smart as whips and WAY fun. QUIZ! 1) Which one is Alyssa’s brother? 2) Which one did I nickname “Captain Albania?”

Waiting in the round house for the ceremony to start. I just think this image is neato. ;)

And then it was wedding time! I hate to play favorites, but this is probably the coolest ceremony location I’ve ever photographed. Favorite #2.

I may or may not have removed a microphone stand from this photo. You can probably find it if you look close enough. ;)

I love people who love each other. Being surrounded by this is the best part of my job.

Married! Love that moment of realization. :D

Let’s talk about the size of Alyssa’s bouquet. HUGE! It weighed like 10 pounds! :D Oh, and Alyssa’s momma did ALL their flowers.

Thanks for playing along, friends. ;) (P.S. Hillary, you are my favorite part of this photo!)

Since they got married at a Buddhist retreat, I felt their rings in the hands of a Buddha statue was perfectly appropriate!

You’re welcome, Alyssa. :D

You’re super welcome, Adam! Favorite #3! Actually the next three photos are all favorites. :D :D

I rented the 5D Mark III for this and another wedding (just to play with it). This is shot at ISO 10,000, basically pitch black with a wee bit of ambient light (string lights above and some small lanterns around the dance floor, plus that colored spot in the background that the DJ used). For this capability alone, I am big time impressed by that camera. :D

Venue + Caterer | Pema Osel Ling Retreat (They had a vegan dinner option and it was aaaaawesome!)
Florist | Kathy, Bride’s Mother
Cake | Amanda, Heather’s Patisserie
DJ | Jefferson Espinosa, DJ J-Kixx

Alyssa + Adam, you are such wonderful and genuine couple, and the quality of the company you keep is a testament to your kindness. Thank you for inviting me up into the mountains to photograph your wedding day. You know I never say anything I don’t mean, so let me say simply this: It was a pleasure. :) Congratulations to you both; I hope you love these photos.

October 3, 2012 - 9:59 am

Debbie So perfect! Those trees are AMAZING.

February 21, 2013 - 5:35 pm

Chiara Whoa, seriously – ISO 10,000? It’s gorgeous and there’s not even digital noise! I’ve never put that ISO to the test, but that makes me really want to play with a 5D. Feel free to bring your new toys to our wedding ;)

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