2012 Favorites + Canvas Contest | Weddings

I wrote this Emersonian preamble about what I consider the true purpose of a great photo, of how and why certain images speak to me and how I hope they call to you. But ultimately, I realized it boiled down to something so simple that my words were rendered useless.

A great photo allows you to see life as art.

All of these photos say something to me. Some scream; others whisper. But each shows me a moment in another’s life—from the simplicity to the chaos—as a piece of art. And guys, that’s one heck of a gift.

So, while these images are “in order,” and while I don’t actually have children, I feel like I can say that organizing them was a bit like ranking my kids: totally impossible. And super rude, to boot. But here are my best efforts, which I sincerely hope you enjoy. Oh! And stay tuned all the way to the end, because someone’s going to win a GIANT canvas print with your help.

As always: ENOUGH OF MY TALKING! Photos, ahoy! Welcome to the best of 2012, folks! :D :D :D



I overflow with gratitude when I look at this round up of last year. I am proud of the work I did, but were it not for each and every person pictured here, my efforts would have been fruitless. Rarely do I find myself without words, yet here I sit unable to clearly express how thankful I am for my 2012 clients. What marvelous partners in crime you were. What marks you left on my soul. Thank you, really truly honestly, for finding me, for trusting me, for being downright foolish with me. You are why I do this job. You are why this post exists. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And to really say thank you, how about a contest? All of these lovely images are in an album on my facebook page. Head on over there, and vote for your favorite image (or images!) by liking them. Voting will be open from this morning through 5 p.m. PDT next Thursday, March 29th. The image that receives the most likes will win a 30″x40″ canvas print of their choosing. So head on over to the Facebook album, get liking, and tell your friends!

March 23, 2013 - 10:42 am

Ryan Molly, your work is AMAZING!!!!! Every image is absolutely gorgeous.

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