There are certainly perks to having seasonal work, and downtime for serious winter napping (hibernating?) is one of them. But I have to say, it’s really good to be back, and taking a break has reenergized me creatively. I’m quite pleased to have this session be my first of the year, because the people in it are pretty darn great—something I could tell from the moment I met them and wooed them into hiring me. Based on how much fun we had, I think they are not regretting falling for my charms. :)
Before I start shooting, I like to ask couples to describe their relationship in five words so I can make sure I cover their connection as they see it. Of the words R+A gave me, those that stood out most were: Goofy, giggly and full of desire / intimacy. I think we did a dang good job showing all three of these (although the goofiest of the photos are staying off the blog! :D). This pair has a genuineness that shines through their smiles, their eyes, their embraces. But I can show you better than I can tell you, so on with the photos! :D
By the way, Alejandro is a long name to say, so I’m officially nicknaming him “DroDro.” He said he was fine with it. This is why I like him. :)
Starting with favorite #1. P.S. I took this photo in an outhouse (toilet’s off to the left, y’all), because good light can be found anywhere!
Ryan + Alejandro, let’s talk about how cute you are. I’ll go first: You’re SUPER cute. :D
And let’s talk about how much you love each other: A LOT. :D
Oh boy, favorite #2. Kind of can’t stop smiling when I look at this. Also, can we please mention how adorable their outfits are? I don’t know quite why, but that puffer vest and that necklace just do it for me. Yeah, totally.
Alejandro acquired this car about a month ago and has been spending his spare time fixing it up. First of all, it’s my favorite color, and second of all, it’s important to him, so why not take some photos with it? And hey, Ryan? HOT LEGS.
“Put your handaloons riiiiight here.” :D :D :D (By the way, R+A, my husband couldn’t believe I let that one slip! He hopes you’ve incorporated it into your own speech.)
Favorite #3!
Hey, guys? Be a little happier, okay? You’re not happy enough. ;)
The park where we took photos was just a few blocks from Ryan’s childhood home. She wanted to come here because she spent a lot of afternoons playing in the park when she was younger. Specifically, she remembered this bench beneath an oak tree at the top of the hill. Bingo, pals.
Favorite #4!
Using every last little bit of sunlight available.
Be still my heart, DroDro. Could your smile be any more disarming?
Thank you for spending an afternoon playing with me, guys. And thank you for trudging up that giant hill (in wedges), and putting up with me when I wanted just oooooone more photo (and then one more, and then another one more). Your relationship and your interactions are a joy to watch. Plus, you’re just plain fun to be around. I hope you love these images as much as I do and they make you smile like I’ve been grinning at my computer all day. I can’t wait for your wedding; it’s going to be a blast. :D
xo, M
P.S. Transistor. ;)
by Molly