Yearly Archives: 2014

Shannon + Scott | Married at The Smog Shoppe

Do you remember Shannon + Scott? (If not, that link is worth a look!) I’m a little bit obsessed with them. And I don’t care how creepy it sounds, but I’m obsessed with Shannon’s laugh (you’ll be seeing a lot of it in a minute). They brought me down to Los Angeles to photograph their […]

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Laina + Chris | Married at Forest House Lodge

I know that Laina + Chris have been waiting so patiently to see these photos, so instead of me blabbing on with my inane (but meaningful! Is that an oxymoron?) musings, I’m just going to let you reference my thoughts on them from their engagement session and get right to the photos! Hi, Laina! 1) […]

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Lisa + JR | Married in Lake Tahoe

Every wedding I have ever photographed has been beautiful (the people, the families, the details—all of it), and special in their own way and I have loved them all. But this wedding. Oh boy, this wedding. Lisa + JR’s ceremony  might go down as one of the most amazing I’ve ever experienced. I’m not even […]

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Sarah + Mike | Married at the Peninsula Golf Club in San Mateo

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but one of my favorite parts of this job is getting to meet all of the friends and family of my clients. It never ceases to amaze me how many wonderful people there are in the world, and how beauty and kindness attract more of the same to itself. […]

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Mary + Lenny | Engaged in the Oakland Hills

I swear I didn’t realize this when I wrote the first line of my last post, but meet Dr. Mary + Dr. Lenny! :D I have known Mary for downright forever, and I’m not sure that I have words to explain how much I love her. She is easily among the smartest, most hard-working people […]

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