MEF Photography Blog! bio picture
  • Hello, friend! :D

    Welcome, welcome! That's me over there. < -- I'm Molly, a San Francisco Bay Area-based photographer. I adore weddings, families and portraits, but my cat, food and house get a lot of my attention, too! I'm married to my very best friend, and we sing to each other a lot. I'm a mid-century modern home dweller. I'm always working, working, working to be better at life (a never-ending battle!). I get a kick out of simplicity, tea, bright colors, ice cream, cooking, sarcasm and books -- among other things. I love me some good, authentic, giggly love. And I love making people feel lovely in the midst of their good, authentic, giggly love. And if that's your thing, too, I'd love nothing more than to give you some good, authentic, giggly love photos. :)


Ryan + Alejandro | Engaged

There are certainly perks to having seasonal work, and downtime for serious winter napping (hibernating?) is one of them. But I have to say, it’s really good to be back, and taking a break has reenergized me creatively. I’m quite pleased to have this session be my first of the year, because the people in it are pretty darn great—something I could tell from the moment I met them and wooed them into hiring me. Based on how much fun we had, I think they are not regretting falling for my charms. :)

Before I start shooting, I like to ask couples to describe their relationship in five words so I can make sure I cover their connection as they see it. Of the words R+A gave me, those that stood out most were: Goofy, giggly and full of desire / intimacy. I think we did a dang good job showing all three of these (although the goofiest of the photos are staying off the blog! :D). This pair has a genuineness that shines through their smiles, their eyes, their embraces. But I can show you better than I can tell you, so on with the photos! :D

By the way, Alejandro is a long name to say, so I’m officially nicknaming him “DroDro.” He said he was fine with it. This is why I like him. :)

Starting with favorite #1. P.S. I took this photo in an outhouse (toilet’s off to the left, y’all), because good light can be found anywhere!

Ryan + Alejandro, let’s talk about how cute you are. I’ll go first: You’re SUPER cute. :D

And let’s talk about how much you love each other: A LOT. :D

Oh boy, favorite #2. Kind of can’t stop smiling when I look at this. Also, can we please mention how adorable their outfits are? I don’t know quite why, but that puffer vest and that necklace just do it for me. Yeah, totally.

Alejandro acquired this car about a month ago and has been spending his spare time fixing it up. First of all, it’s my favorite color, and second of all, it’s important to him, so why not take some photos with it? And hey, Ryan? HOT LEGS.

“Put your handaloons riiiiight here.” :D :D :D (By the way, R+A, my husband couldn’t believe I let that one slip! He hopes you’ve incorporated it into your own speech.)

Favorite #3!

Hey, guys? Be a little happier, okay? You’re not happy enough. ;)

The park where we took photos was just a few blocks from Ryan’s childhood home. She wanted to come here because she spent a lot of afternoons playing in the park when she was younger. Specifically, she remembered this bench beneath an oak tree at the top of the hill. Bingo, pals.

Favorite #4!

Using every last little bit of sunlight available.

Be still my heart, DroDro. Could your smile be any more disarming?

Thank you for spending an afternoon playing with me, guys. And thank you for trudging up that giant hill (in wedges), and putting up with me when I wanted just oooooone more photo (and then one more, and then another one more). Your relationship and your interactions are a joy to watch. Plus, you’re just plain fun to be around. I hope you love these images as much as I do and they make you smile like I’ve been grinning at my computer all day. I can’t wait for your wedding; it’s going to be a blast. :D

xo, M

P.S. Transistor. ;)

April 2012 Goals

My off season is finally over and I’m back to work this month (first engagement session post coming this week!). Consequently, however, my thoughts are a little less focused and I don’t really have any life-altering realizations to share with you. I’m okay with this. Not everything has to be serious. Instead, I will show you a photograph of my cat. Ready?

Sherman is both my biggest fan and my toughest critic. I am proud to say that I have diligently practiced the piano for at least an hour nearly every day since I started taking lessons. Sherman is always sitting near me while I play. However, there are times (as shown above) that he disapproves of the piano receiving more attention than he does, which he expresses by shoving himself bodily between myself and the keys. It’s effective. And adorable.

In accordance with my thoughts being scattered, so too was my goal completion. I lost my fitbit for most of the month; it weaseled its way to the bottom of my closet. Then I found it, and somehow managed to explode it into about ten pieces. Then I put it back together (it worked!), and promptly lost it again. All of this to say, it’s finally back in my possession, but my steps suffered last month. I also couldn’t find a flat 10k that worked well with my schedule, so I’m just going to run my own on April 24th. I also totally failed at reading enough. Time to get back on track.

Oh, by the way. I went back and looked at my old receipts. It turns out I haven’t purchased a piece of clothing since August of last year—eight whole months. That’s sort of nuts to me, but to honor it, I’m going to try to make a shirt this month. Let’s see how that goes.

This was super boring to read. My sincerest apologies. How about goals for April?:

  • Continue practicing the piano, one hour per day, Mondays through Saturdays
  • Sign up for my summer piano course
  • Post temporary galleries to this site
  • Read What The Dog Saw and The 4-Hour Workweek
  • Walk 10,500 steps each day
  • Perfect a sourdough bread recipe
  • Run a 10k on April 24th
  • Sign up for a half marathon in May
  • Sew a shirt

Completed March goals:

  • Start our taxes!
  • Make my IRA contribution :)
  • Make wedding “Best Of 2012” post
  • Start planning a garden

Have any plans this month? Share them with me in the comments! Hopefully they’re more organized than mine. :)

2012 Favorites + Canvas Contest | Weddings

I wrote this Emersonian preamble about what I consider the true purpose of a great photo, of how and why certain images speak to me and how I hope they call to you. But ultimately, I realized it boiled down to something so simple that my words were rendered useless.

A great photo allows you to see life as art.

All of these photos say something to me. Some scream; others whisper. But each shows me a moment in another’s life—from the simplicity to the chaos—as a piece of art. And guys, that’s one heck of a gift.

So, while these images are “in order,” and while I don’t actually have children, I feel like I can say that organizing them was a bit like ranking my kids: totally impossible. And super rude, to boot. But here are my best efforts, which I sincerely hope you enjoy. Oh! And stay tuned all the way to the end, because someone’s going to win a GIANT canvas print with your help.

As always: ENOUGH OF MY TALKING! Photos, ahoy! Welcome to the best of 2012, folks! :D :D :D



I overflow with gratitude when I look at this round up of last year. I am proud of the work I did, but were it not for each and every person pictured here, my efforts would have been fruitless. Rarely do I find myself without words, yet here I sit unable to clearly express how thankful I am for my 2012 clients. What marvelous partners in crime you were. What marks you left on my soul. Thank you, really truly honestly, for finding me, for trusting me, for being downright foolish with me. You are why I do this job. You are why this post exists. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

And to really say thank you, how about a contest? All of these lovely images are in an album on my facebook page. Head on over there, and vote for your favorite image (or images!) by liking them. Voting will be open from this morning through 5 p.m. PDT next Thursday, March 29th. The image that receives the most likes will win a 30″x40″ canvas print of their choosing. So head on over to the Facebook album, get liking, and tell your friends!

March 2013 Goals

Post-10k, post-shower, angry-cat coffee break from souvenir mug. For the record, Sherman was purring when this was taken.

I’ve had a lot on my mind lately. For the past few months, it’s been weight-of-the-world type stuff (things that are too complicated for me to ever fully understand, let alone change). I mean, really, we’re talking big ticket items: Political and financial corruption, the sorry state of the American food system, rampant materialism, chemical pollution, overpopulation, the ingrained  need for attention and self promotion present in my generation (and yes, I include myself here—I am writing this on my own blog that I expect / hope others will read and respond to, after all). There are some days when I drill so far down into this list that I struggle to think about anything else, and the State Of Things hangs over me like an oppressive fog. No big surprise, but these days usually get me nowhere.

There are other days when I bring this thinking closer to home, to my own actions, wants and motivations. These days are more exciting, because I find myself beginning to plan and dream of ways to change myself, to change the ways I categorize and satisfy my needs, to increase the positivity I leave behind and lessen my negative impact. They’re also scary days, because I start to do the difficult work of differentiating between true needs and mere wants masquerading as needs. Let’s be honest: It’s hard to admit that things you like and want aren’t actually important. Confronting your own hidden (or not-so-hidden) vanity, gluttony and greed is demoralizing before it’s liberating.

Sometimes my thinking is especially grandiose and downright fanciful: Let’s sell our house and our possessions, buy a plot of land, throw away our technology and become suburban subsistence farmers! (Except, wait! Don’t throw away that technology yet! I just need to quickly google, “How to become a subsistence farmer” first. THEN throw it away!) Or: Let’s sell everything and move to a communal housing development in Denmark! No big surprise, but these ideas also usually get me nowhere. (Although, I did once google “How to move to Demark.” It wasn’t super helpful.)

So when I’m not crushed by the weight of human failings, and have come down from soaring with my head in European clouds, I try to think about what I can actually do—and do today—that might mean something. Even if it’s only a very little something. Because some days, that’s the only way I can seem to lift the fog.

I’m toying with the idea of going a year without buying any new clothing and instead sewing what I need (I’m already accidentally three months into this challenge and I foresee a summer of drawstring maxi skirts), and of cultivating a garden and trying to grow at least a good portion of all the food we eat. I already started making my own almond milk, a move in response to which my own mother (lovingly) called me a hippie.

I guess what I’m trying to say in sort is that I’m becoming that person. That usually very annoying person. Except with two caveats: 1) I won’t tell anyone else how to live and, 2) I’m not giving up shaving my armpits.

By the way, the book Einstein’s Dreams was wonderful and I highly recommend it. The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People was garbage and little more than an overstuffed advertisement for the author’s pricey private seminars. The only worthwhile bit is an early chapter activity about writing your own obituary to help you understand how you want to be remembered so you can translate that into your current actions. Otherwise? Avoid, avoid, avoid.

So, with all that philosophical nonsense aside, here’s what I plan to do in March:

  • Continue practicing the piano, one hour per day, Mondays through Saturdays  – I can play something like 15 songs now!
  • Post temporary galleries to this site
  • Read What The Dog Saw and The 4-Hour Workweek
  • Make my IRA contribution :)
  • Start our taxes!
  • Make wedding “Best Of 2012” post
  • Start planning a garden
  • Walk 10,500 steps each day
  • Perfect a sourdough bread recipe
  • Find and sign up for a flat 10k (i.e., no elevation change—hills and I are not friends)
  • Start half marathon training

And here’s what I finished in February:

  • Continue practicing the piano, one hour per day, Mondays through Saturdays
  • Get my new brand and website under contract (ugh, finally!)
  • Read Einstein’s Dreams and finish The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People
  • Perfect a minestrone recipe — I’m checking this off, but I’m still not totally satisfied with the results I got
  • Burn archive image DVDs and delete extra copies from my computer
  • Run a 10k
  • Walk 10,500 steps each day this month
  • Go camping!

Am I the only person who gets regularly crushed by the weight of the world? Please tell me I’m not alone here.

2012 Favorites | Engagements, Families, Fun

To say that these pictures are in any true order indicating my relative fondness for them would be at least partly a lie. I love all of these images for distinct reasons (often just because of the people in them, although in the case of image 45, because of that crazy awesome seagull). I am proud to showcase this collection because I think it pretty clearly demonstrates that I have a love for 1) My job, 2) Color, 3) Horizontally-oriented images and 4) Laughing, nuzzling, happy couples. Mostly #4. CAVEAT: There are two number one images because it felt way biased to have my overall favorite photo be one of my best friends and goddaughter. I like to be fair, y’know? :D

Ready for a little photo overload, friends? I present to you my top 45 engagement, family and fun images from last year! (Oh, and I’m going to quiz you at the end, so… keep scrolling!)



(Are you making a drumroll noise?)

(Because I’d appreciate if you were.)

(I am.)


I’ll get into this sentiment a little more in my Best Of Weddings post next week, but I am so grateful to all of the people in these images. I am nothing without your trust, love and friendship. Thank you to each and every one of you for letting me document an important part of your lives. YOU make me love this job. :D

So, did I pick right? Which image(s) would you put at number one?